I am a West Midlands based photographer who has a keen interest in mental health and feminism. My work examines the worlds current issues and I raise awareness about them by promoting knowledge in public through powerful visuals.
My photography journey started back in 2019, when I joined a photography course at college. What started out as a fun hobby turned into a passion. During the two years of college, I experimented with various styles of cinematography. After this, I studied photography at university where I found my love for documentary style imagery. 
For the past two years I have been producing photographic work that focuses on the affects poor well-being can have on an individual. Currently I am working on a project that highlights the long waiting times and medical practices in counselling. To accomplish this, I have taken pictures of the seating arrangements in different hospitals and medical environments within my local area. My objective is to portray the feeling of isolation and discomfort that people experience when they must wait for extended periods in such places.
Due to my passion for positive well-being, I have also begun to explore the relationship between art and therapy, and how the two can communicate with one another. 
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